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Do the Holidays Your Way

For some the holidays are the focal point of the year. Following tradition,  we gather with family and friends and the celebration energizes us. If that is you, please enjoy every moment!

For many others the holidays can be difficult. Family tensions, distance, financial pressures or loneliness mean the traditions don’t fit. So how might we make the holidays more positive?

 Here are a few thoughts:

  • Be with those you choose. People who lift us up make us stronger.
  • Do the holidays your way. Chinese food and movies can be your way.
  • Breathe. Our world slows down this time of year. Try to slow down too.
  • Be kind to yourself.
  • Reach out to one of the many organizations that provide help and support or volunteer to help others. 

I am going to be taking my own advice and taking a much needed break and rest from blog posting until the new year. If you see anything from me on social media, it will be silly, warm and fun and because I just can’t help myself but share the interesting things I come across. Wishing you happy holidays! 

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