I recently had the opportunity to attend Rotary’s International Assembly in Orlando, Florida. This event brought together Rotary leaders from around the world for learning, development, and the exchange of ideas.
This was the first opportunity I’ve had to work with Rotary at a global level. Participants represented 200 countries and worked in six languages, often simultaneously with translation. We were asked to consider global challenges such as polio eradication, education, and the environment. It was fascinating to see that region by region or country by country, the problems were similar, but the solutions and challenges, both real and perceived, were vastly different. Shared ideas bring strong results.
I’m proud of the volunteer role I have with Rotary, and as I step into more leadership with my District, I am powered by the experiences of many who have generously shared their time with me.
Thank you to everyone I met last week! Until we meet again!